March 12, 2022


On Friday, March 11, 2022, the History Student Association of Universitas Padjadjaran held a virtual museum tour at the proclamation manuscript formulation museum. This activity began with remarks from the Head of History Study Program Unpad, remarks from the head of Himse Unpad, Remarks from the Head of the Museum, the main event in the form of presentations from the museum, questions and answers, and ended with a virtual museum tour. The Virtual Museum Tour activity was motivated by the pandemic situation in this second year which still resulted in students still not being able to carry out some activities outside their area of residence. This then became the impetus for holding Virtual Museum Tour activities so that History Students could still visit the Museum online with supporting facilities. This activity aims to expand the knowledge of history students through the knowledge provided by the Museum.

This activity aims to be a forum for history students of Universitas Padjadjaran to visit museums that contain relics and knowledge about history. In addition, it becomes an interactive learning tool with the provision of museum guides so that a question and answer session can be held between the two and provide a special understanding of the essence of historical events that occur and are immortalized in the museum. This activity is not closed to the general public who are also history enthusiasts in general.

There were 39 participants from historical circles who attended this activity, there were also 4 people from outside Unpad history. This activity is interactive with the museum such as questions and answers about things in the museum.



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