November 15, 2022

BEM Kema Unpad held Padjadjaran Education Festival 2022

To introduce Unpad inclusively for all communities, especially in West Java, especially to high school students who are prospective students in the future, BEM Kema Universitas Padjadjaran held Padjadjaran Education Festival (PEF) 2022 to build image and socialize Universitas Padjadjaran to high school students in West Java.  PEF 2022 is here by offering experiences on how to study at Universitas Padjadjaran in real time for high school students.

            PEF 2022 has the theme “Universe” with several activities carried out such as pre-event and main event. The pre-event was carried out by the PEF 2022 committee conducting roadshows in various schools in West Java. Furthermore, the main event will be held on Saturday and Sunday, November 12-13, 2022 in a Hybrid manner which will take place at Bale Santika, Bale Santika Basketball Court, and PPBS Court and online media (zoom meeting andPEF Unpad website). In the main event, there are talk shows and trial classes. There were two talk show sessions, namely session 1: Gain your insight with Universitas Padjadjaran student filled by Nabila Tasya Azahra (FK Unpad and Educational Content Creator) and Gaizzka Metsu Wilsensa (West Java Student Language Ambassador 2019) and session 2: The pivotal role of Universitas Padjadjaran in our career journey filled by Monica Syavira Watrin (Customer data management Telkom Indonesia) and Rizky Ramadhan (Kang Banten 2022).

            In the main event, there is a trial class activity which is a lecture simulation that can be followed by Padjadjaran Education Festival 2022 participants. This can help high school / vocational students to be able to find out how technical lectures at Universitas Padjadjaran conducted.


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