December 15, 2022

Ayja, an all-rounder BIDIKMISI student, successful in academics and non-academics

Ayja Khayrurraja is a Universitas Padjadjaran student who completed his bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Universitas Padjadjaran. The opportunity to pursue his higher education can be realised due to the BIDIKMISI scholarship program implemented at Universitas Padjadjaran. The BIDIKMISI scholarship program is a

tuition assistance program for prospective students from underprivileged economies with good academic potential to achieve education in tertiary institutions in leading study programs.

Ayja, the native Sukabumi, a regency in West Java, succeeded in obtaining the BIDIKMISI scholarship and was active in student organisations. Ayja has served as Deputy Head of the Talents Development Department and Head of the Student Potential Development Division in campus organisations. Apart from that, Ayja also often participates in motivational training, public speaking, and other values and skills-improving activities.

According to Ayja, receiving a BIDIKMISI scholarship helped him complete his studies. He got scholarship funds and accommodation facilitation in the form of a dormitory provided by Universitas Padjadjaran for the BIDIKMISI scholarship awardee. Ayja also gets other valuable opportunities, such as mentoring. Ayja felt that Universitas Padjadjaran never showed any discrimination against the BIDIKMISI scholarship awardee. All lecturers are always supportive during any lecture process.

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