Dedat Prismantoro, the third of five siblings from Pasuruan Regency, is a 7th-semester Biology student in the fast track program—Dedat is active in academics and non-academics. Dedat has received the Karya Salemba Empat Scholarship since his 5th-semester. Dedat received the scholarship because he was actively engaged in previous academic activities. This scholarship provides benefits more than just tuition funds, but also mentoring, the Karya Salemba Empat (KSE) Unpad association, and involvement in social projects.
The various achievements of Dedat include:
- Gold Medal Winner at the Student Science Olympiad in Biology at the National Level by POSI Education in 2020;
- Silver Medal Winner at the Indonesian Science Competition in Biology at the National Level by POSI Education in 2021;
Participants in the Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) by the Directorate General of Education and Technology in 2021.