June 25, 2022

Bidikmisi Scholarship students are given Leadership Training training by Kabim Unpad

Realizing the level of competition in the increasingly disruptive era, Bidikmisi students need to make continuous efforts to improve the capacity and quality of each individual. Students cannot limit themselves and resist the changes of this era, another alternative that we can do is to make the disruptive era the right challenge and momentum to continue to grow.

Kabim Unpad through the Department of Human Resources Development organizes Leadership Training which aims to improve the quality and quantity of aiming students, train the spirit of leadership, train soft skills of communication, critical thinking, and leadership, provide knowledge and skills for students of bidikmisi, prepare prospective leaders who are insightful and character. The target participants who attended were students of bidikmisi, KIP-K, Affirmation throughout West Java This leadership training activity took place on May 21-June , 2022 through the zoom platform.


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