January 15, 2022

Access to Unpad Central Library

The Central Library of Universitas Padjadjaran received visits from both Unpad academicians and the public. Library service is open on Monday-Friday starting at 08.00-17.30 WIB.

The public can visit Unpad Central Library in order to increase public knowledge. There are several notes for public visiting the Central Library of Universitas Padjadjaran, including:

  1. Public visitors can only take advantage of some services and facilities in the Library such as the Reading Room, and Library collections that can only be read/used on-site (unable to borrow)
  2. Service hours for general visitors apply the same as visitors of Unpad academicians.
  3. Fill out the visit list independently on the Computer Device provided at the Library gate.



The following are the steps taken for Unpad academicians and the general public who visit the Central Library of Universitas Padjadjaran.

For internal Unpad academician

  1. The academic community such as lecturers, education staff, and students firstly should activate library membership in https://lib.unpad.ac.id.
  2. Unpad academicians can directly scan student card or directly type student ID number on the computer screen to recall the name on the screen.


For external visitors

  1. Find the visitor machine in the library entry area, change the number mode by clicking the letter mode until the display changes as shown on the right.
  2. Type your full name
  3. Choose the institution where you are from
  4. Click sign in

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