May 9, 2018

NWO – Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands Call 2018

NWO, in close cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI), launches a call for proposals 2018 of the Cooperation Indonesia -The Netherlands programme. Consortia of research institutes and other organisations (both public and private) in the Netherlands and in Indonesia can apply for funding of joint research projects that focus on

i) food,
ii) water, and
iii) rule of law

Who can apply

Applications can be submitted by consortia that include:

  1. a Dutch research organisation, acting as the main applicant;
  2. an Indonesian-based research organisation;
  3. at least one other for-profit or not-for profit private and/or public matching partner to enhance the impact of research for society;
  4. a researcher awarded granting for 2018 by RISTEKDIKTI (non-compulsory but considered an added value).

For the 2018 call for proposals, a list of examples of relevant research proposals awarded in 2018 by RISTEKDIKTI can be found in Annex 1 of this call. In case of inclusion of an awarded researcher to the consortium, the awarded granting by RISTEKDIKTI can be considered as top-up funding to the NWO grant. The awarded researcher by RISTEKDIKTi  is not necessarily the consortium partner, but may also be a member of the research team.


When to apply

The deadline for submitting the compulsory Letter of Intent is 17 May 2018, 14.00 hours CE(S)T. The Letter of Intent must be submitted via

The deadline for the submission of full proposals is 14 June 2018, 14.00 hours CE(S)T.

For more information please visit this link: NWO

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